Background: A Denver Tech Center (DTC) CPA firm fell victim to a ransomware attack that encrypted critical client data, including financial records and tax documents. The ransomware demanded a large sum for the decryption key, threatening severe operational disruptions and potential financial losses.

Challenge: The firm faced the urgent challenge of recovering valuable data to continue their services without paying the ransom. The encrypted files contained sensitive client information that was crucial for ongoing accounting and tax work.

Solution: Eboxlab immediately deployed its Incident Response Team to assess the extent of the attack. Utilizing advanced decryption tools and forensic techniques, Eboxlab was able to identify the ransomware variant and begin the data recovery process. The team isolated the infected systems to prevent further spread and conducted a secure recovery of the encrypted data from backups.

Eboxlab also identified gaps in the firm’s cybersecurity infrastructure and implemented a robust multi-layered security solution, including:

  • Enhanced Endpoint Protection: To detect and block future ransomware threats.
  • Regular Data Backups: Implemented automatic, secure offsite backups to ensure data could be restored in case of future attacks.
  • Employee Training: Provided training sessions for employees to recognize phishing emails and suspicious activity, which are common vectors for ransomware.

Within 48 hours, Eboxlab successfully recovered all valuable client data without paying the ransom. The CPA firm was back to full operation with minimal downtime. Furthermore, with the enhanced security measures in place, the firm now enjoys a fortified defense against future cyber threats.